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The HCFBECA awards scholarships to African-American graduating high school seniors who reside in Howard County. The applicant for this award is required to submit an application between January 15th and March 15th of the current year and to meet the criteria stated below. Failure to meet these criteria may result in the rejection of the application or denial of this award. The applicant shall submit a recent professional photo of themself with the application.



A. Residency: Applicant shall have been a Howard County resident for at least 15 months and shall have resided in the county a minimum of one year immediately prior to the date of the scholarship award.


B. Age/Race: Applicant shall be African-American and shall not have reached the age of twenty (20) years on the date of the award.


C. Scholastic Record: Applicant shall have a minimum grade point average of 2.50. (high school cumulative).


D. Citizenship: Applicant shall be U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident. (Residency as defined by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service).


E. Recommendation: Applicant shall furnish two (2) letters of recommendation, one of which shall be written by a Howard County resident. Letters shall be written by persons not related to the applicant.


F. Acceptance for Further Study: Applicant shall be eligible to enroll as full time in an accredited post-secondary school. (A full time student normally enrolls for 12 credit hours in an institution using the semester, trimester or quarter system). An accredited post-secondary school provides a degree or certificate in a recognized occupation. Evidence of acceptance and the student enrollment status (or other requested documentation) shall be presented to the Scholarship Committee by July 31st of the current academic year or earlier upon demand by the Committee.
An applicant who is awarded an HCFBECA, Inc. scholarship, shall be ineligible for the scholarship award disbursement if they fail to present their college letter of acceptance AND their college bill/fees to HCFBECA, Inc. by the end of July of the academic year of their secondary school graduation.


G. Non-Traditional Study: The eligibility of scholarship applicants enrolling in a non-traditional program shall be determined on a case by case basis requiring the unanimous vote of the Scholarship Committee.


H. Period of Consideration: Applicant shall be eligible for this award in the academic year of graduation from secondary school.



Applicants who have met the “Basic Criteria shall also meet one of the following in this section.


A. Talent and Abilities: Applicant must have demonstrated a special talent or ability in academics, athletics, vocational arts, work experience, fine arts or technical sciences.


B. Community Service: Applicant shall have exhibited leadership qualities, performed community service and must have the potential for continued community service. Participation in any of the following organizations is acceptable for qualification under this section: Boy or Girl Scouts of America, 4-H Clubs, Department of Recreation and Parks activities, Church organizations, extracurricular school activities, and community services organizations.



Applicants who successfully make it to the interview stage will be required, during the interview, to hand write a submission based on a topic supplied by the Scholarship Committee. No smart device or other types of electronic submissions will be accepted.


Applicants must successfully participate in a group interview before the Scholarship Committee. In addition to a review of the applicant’s credentials, the applicant will be evaluated on the basis of personal appearance, discussion of the handwritten submission and attitude or demeanor. The items stated above (demeanor, dress and handwritten submission) will have a direct effect on the successful completion of the interview. A unanimous vote of the committee is required to approve an applicant.


Applicants who have been certified under Basic Criteria, Performance Criteria, Handwritten Submittal, and Interview will be notified of the Scholarship Committee’s decision in writing and be invited to attend a lottery drawing. They will have their names placed in a lottery which the applicant is required to attend. Scholarship winners shall be drawn until the scholarship fund is exhausted for the academic year. Applicants are eligible for one (1) scholarship only. At least (4) alternates will be selected in the event first choices are unable to accept scholarships. All decisions are final.



A. Students who have received or will receive a full scholarship for the current academic year shall not be eligible for the HCFBECA award.

Full scholarship awards include full four year co-op scholarships or fellowships funded by state, local or federal governments, scholarships to military academies, full athletic scholarships, etc. College work-study programs and student loan programs shall not be considered for the purpose of defining full scholarships. In unusual circumstances, the final determinations will be made on a case by case basis by the Scholarship committee. Decisions will require a majority vote of the committee membership.

B. 1. Resident Students: A full scholarship shall be defined as any combination of grant or scholarship funds which equals or exceed tuition, required fees,          and room and board.

     2. Commuting Students: A full scholarship shall be defined as any combination of grant or scholarship funds which equals or exceed tuition and                        required fees.

     3. Distance/Online Students: A full scholarship shall be defined as any combination of grant or scholarship funds which equals or exceed tuition and                 required fees.

C. Applicants must be present at the lottery drawing in order to receive these awards. If an applicant is not able to be present for the scholarship lottery, a parent or other adult representative must be present to receive the award. The applicant must also notify the Scholarship Committee Chairperson at least two days in advance of the awards ceremony if they are unable to attend the lottery drawing. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in forfeiture of the awards. Extenuating circumstances may be considered. The scholarship lottery awards program will be held the third Sunday in May.




Photo consent form, professional photo, and letters of recommendation should be sent to:





 Applicant shall direct any questions to:

Include your full name and high school when submitting questions.

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